While Jesus is representing me in Heaven, may I reflect Him on earth. While He pleads my cause, may I show forth His praise.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Very Merry Christmas

So, with all of our expenses this year -- the wedding, the move, the car -- we decided not to buy gifts for each other. We planned on having breakfast souffle (a tradition from both of our families) and enjoying the day together. Besides missing my family, there are so many things to be grateful for and we both decided that there was nothing that we 'needed' besides each other to have a wonderful Christmas. However, there was one thing that I wanted this year -- a Christmas tree. Because of my upbringing, we didn't celebrate Christmas until I was a teenager. So, when I moved out on my own, I just didn't see the need for a tree, especially when I was living by myself. But this year, I wanted to start new traditions with my hubbie. But, because of the the aforementioned expenses, I just couldn't bring myself to buy a tree and all the trimmings. I don't own any ornaments or lights or anything.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up Christmas morning and there was a sparkly tree in my dining room and a gift from my husband underneath it -- a beautiful silver bracelet. Words cannot describe how touched I was!!!

I didn't even feel like a dork for not getting anything for him. I could tell that it meant a lot for him to do this for me -- and to pull off the surprise. I'm too observant and (thankfully) he's no good at lying to me :)


Blogger Chel said...

What a beautiful surprise to begin many married Christmases together.

5:03 PM

Blogger Crystal said...

Awww, your husband is such a sweetie pie! Have a great new year!

4:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet! Merry Christmas!

2:12 PM

Blogger Kimber said...


Miss ya! Happy New Year!

11:25 AM

Blogger Bek said...

what a gift!

1:46 PM

Blogger BekABoo said...

Oh, how sweet! Christmas is very special to me and this just brings a tear to my eye! It is fun starting new traditions for your new family. Sounds like your first was memorable too ;) Happy New Year!

12:55 AM

Blogger Admin said...

How truly wonderful! Now isn't that what Christmas is all about?

Thank you for sharing that!

1:24 PM

Blogger Crystal said...

Where are you?!

11:01 PM


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