On Gratitude
By Oprah Winfrey~
I live in the space of thankfulness - and I have been rewarded amillion times over for it. I started out giving thanks for smallthings, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased.That's because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when Ilearned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life. 'Say thank you!'
Those words from my friend and mentor Maya Angelou turned my life around. One day about ten years ago, I was sitting in my bathroom with the door closed and the toilet lid down, booing
and a hooing on the phone so uncontrollably that I was incoherent.'Stop it! Stop it right now and say thank you!' Maya chided.
'But you don't understand,' I sobbed.
To this day, I can't remember what it was that had me so far gone, which only proves the point Maya was trying to make. 'I do understand,' she told me. 'I want to hear you say it now. Out loud 'Thank you.'' Tentatively, I repeated it:'Thank you - but what am I saying thank you for?''
'You're saying thank you,' Maya said, 'because your faith is so strong that you don't doubt that whatever the problem, you'll getthrough it. You're saying thank you because you know that even in the eye of the storm, God has put a rainbow in the clouds.
You're saying thank you because you know there's no problem created that can compare to the Creator of all things.'
'Say thank you!' So I did - and still do.
Only now I do it every day. I kept a gratitude journal! , as Sarah Ban Breathnach suggests in Simple Abundance, list at least five things that I'm grateful for.
My list includes small pleasures: the feel of Kentucky bluegrass under my feet (like damp silk); a walk in the woods with all nine of my dogs and my cocker spaniel Sophie trying to keep up; cooking fried green tomatoes with Stedman and eating them while they're hot; reading a good book and knowing another awaits.
My thank-you list also includes things too important to take for granted: an 'okay' mammogram, friends who love me, 25 years at the same job (and loving it more than the first day I started), a chance to share my vision for a better life, staying centered, having financial security.
I won't kid you, having money for all the things I want is a blessing. But as I look back over my journals, which I've kept since I was 15 years old, 99 percent of what brought me real joy had nothing to do with money. (It had a lot to do with food, however.)
It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you: PERSPECTIVE. Just knowing you have that daily list to complete allows you to look at your day differently, with an awareness of every sweet gesture and kind thought passed your way. When you learn to say thank you, you see the world anew.
And as Meister Eckhart so eloquently stated: 'If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is 'Thank you God', that would suffice.
The secret to happiness in life is gratitude.
If we're grateful for the small things, God can bless us with greater things.
If we're grateful to Him in pain, then He can bring pleasure to balance out the pain, and to demonstrate His innate justice.
If you're a parent, you know there's nothing as obnoxious as having your son or daughter gripe about how their computer is a piece of crap; or how they never have any fun. Or that they really need another pet (when they already have one dog, a rabbit, a hamster and an aquarium with 17 fish in it), because they've got nothing to do..
When our kids act like this, we don't feel like giving them a new computer, a new pet, or a trip to the ballgame, do we? And right at the moment they're whining and complaining to us, we don't feel very much affection for them, do we?
Why? Because our child is being an ingrate. We've given them the best we can and they're saying it's not enough.
Why should it be any different with us and God? How can He feel affection for us if, when He is giving His best to us, we're telling Him we don't like it, and that it's not enough?
God stands in relation to us just as we stand in relation to our children. God is our Parent and Heavenly Father!
Why should God bless us if we complain about the way He is running our life? Why should we deserve to be happy if we're angry at Him for the job we have? He gave it to us!
Or if we're ungrateful for the roof over our head, the clothes on our back and the food in our mouths? He let us have all these things.
Why shouldn't God make our friends ignore us for a while, if we're so angry at, and ungrateful to Him that we gripe and complain about what He's done in our lives? If the friendship we offer God consists us of grumbling about how He runs our lives, and then ignoring Him the rest of the time, why should He want to be friends with us?
If God, who is loving and merciful, can't stand to be around us because we're so negative, why should He send friends our way to love us? We're not loving Him!
I value my friendships very highly. And if it seems like my friends are nowhere around, I always find that I've been neglecting or mistreating my Best Friend!
Psalm 100 says "Be thankful unto him, and bless his name"!
When we choose to offer sincere thanks and gratitude to God, our lives brighten, our attitudes will do a 180, and suddenly our family and friends love us again, and want to be around us!
In my own life it always works this way. If I thank God and give Him the love and gratitude He deserves, suddenly I find that I love my spouse again and that she loves me! I find that I love my kids again, and want to be around them and talk to them. And suddenly they love me too, and aren't griping any more!
And finally, my friends come back and love me, because I love Him, my Heavenly Father, my true friend!
Try it for yourself and find out the Power of Gratitude!
6:40 PM
Merry Christmas Kat! Remember..Jesus Is The Reason For The Season!
11:31 PM
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