While Jesus is representing me in Heaven, may I reflect Him on earth. While He pleads my cause, may I show forth His praise.

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Two blogs for the price of one (Blog 2)

I've been tagged, so here goes... 15 facts and preferences about books.

1. My favorite books from my childhood were all the fairytales with the princesses -- Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. -- I especially liked the bit with the mirror in Snow White. It always made me laugh when the mirror told the witch that Snow White was prettier. Hah!

2. In my early teens, I got hooked on Christian romance novels. I read Janette Oak's Love Comes Softly series over and over. I love to read series. I like to follow a character that I have already gotten to know (and love). Especially if the first book didn't end as well as I would have liked. Yes, I do like happily-ever-afters. But, no, I don't make up endings to movies/books like some of you do. Another series that I loved was The Stonewycke Trilogy by Michael Phillips and Judith Pella. In recent years, I turned a lot of people onto The O'Malley series by Dee Henderson.

3. My favorite Christian fiction is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. In fact, I like all of her books. But this one is the most intensely engaging book I have ever read. In fact, I couldn't put this book down (ok, so that happens a lot, but this was different). I was invited to a Superbowl party back in January 1999. I knew that my brother was going to propose to Julie that afternoon and I was taking champagne to the party to celebrate. I was so happy for my brother and future sister in-law, but I really didn't want to leave the coffee shop where I was sitting, reading by the fire. Of course, I went to the party, celebrated with everybody, and went home and stayed up all night finishing the book.

4. My second favorite Christian fiction is The Oath by Frank Peretti. It is superior allegorical writing that is equal in caliber to C.S. Lewis whose Chronicles of Naria I love. I plan on reading all of these works again, soon. And, of course, I'm planning on seeing "Narnia" soon!

5. Reading can be a totally emotional experience for me: I cry for sad AND happy things when I'm reading. And I laugh. out loud. which is sometimes startling to those around me.

6. Two study refences that I like to use when I'm studying the Scriptures are The Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas John Rushdoony and The International Bible Commentary edited by F.F. Bruce. With the former, I have to have a dictionary handy! Both are great tools for digging deeper.

7. I read a lot of murder mysteries/thrillers and romance novels. I couldn't possibly list them all. I can read a novel in a day. And I like to read to relax. So, I read a lot. At the dental practice where I work, our hygienist also likes to read. a lot. We started sharing books with each other. But, what do you do when you're done with those books?! We decided to put a bookshelf out in our waiting room. Now, patients can bring us books and take whatever books they want. It's neat to see people just drop by our office. It makes it a fun place to come instead of a dreaded task to check off their list.

8. My homegroup is reading Boundaries right now and going through the workbook. It is really helpful, interesting, and encouraging (once you know how healthy relationships can be).

9. I read while I power-walk on my treadmill. I only tripped and fell once.

10. When I was in high school, I read a couple of books on serial killers and thought that I wanted to join the FBI and track down these murderers. I still want to be a psychologist, just not the forensic kind.

11. Long, long, long before I was even dating anyone, I started reading books on marriage and building relationships. I still read every article, email, and book I can on these subjects. I will one day fulfill my dream of becoming a marriage counselor.

12. I've never been enticed to read the Left Behind series even though soooo many people are completely hooked. But, I have read a series where I was out buying the next book as soon as I was close to finishing the book I was on. That was The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers -- I really do like her stuff!

13. I can't stand the liberal slant that most newspapers put on the news, but I do like to know what is going on in the world. I read a daily e-mail newsletter called "Today's Paper" from www.slate.com. It is a synopsis of the top stories from the big papers -- The New York Times, The Washington Post, the L.A. Times, USA Today. And I read Newsweek pretty thoroughly each week.

14. I love to read the recaps on www.televisionwithoutpity.com. They write snarky reviews of tv shows. Currently, I read the recap for Alias, Desperate Housewives, and House. The recaps make me laugh out loud -- every time. Even though I like these shows, it is funny to read someone poking fun at the ridiculous plotlines, etc. You can tell that the reviewers love to hate the shows that they are reviewing.

15. I also love to read blogs!!! I may not always comment, but I read the blogs and the comments and follow links to other blogs (by people I don't know), etc.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

still here, still enjoying everyone's blogs

I haven't blogged in a while because of 2 things -- busyness and possible carpel tunnel syndrome. My right hand has been slighly numb lately. Also, I have a hard time holding things (even light things like coffee mugs) and opening bottles and such. When I try to carry something in my right hand, I have pain in my index finger and wrist.

This is bothersome for so many reasons. It hurts to write which I love to do and have kept a journal for years and years. I can't seem to do routine things like type or use a mouse without noticing that my right hand feels "weird." And I miss blogging and commenting on other people's blogs.

So, I'm here, but trying to take it easy. The less I do the better, I think.

P.S. Had a great Thanksgiving!!!! Yea for me! I came up with an activity for the kids (7 of them) that kept them quiet and occupied for at least 30 minutes (maybe even 45). That may not seem like much, but it was enough to get dinner served without 14 little feet traisping through the kitchen -- "when are we going to eat?!" "I'm thirsty!" "what are we eating?" "I don't like _____!" "do we have to have _____?!" etc.

Instead, the kids were making lists of things they are grateful for and doing a search for the secret word that I had hidden in one of 20 "hidden picture" sheets that I had tacked to the wall. The older ones helped the younger ones with their lists and they all had a different color marker so I could tell who had found the special word, which was justice. I had made a list of things that I am grateful for and hid them in the pictures (using colored pens). Ellie found the special word, so she got the prize ;)

When dinner was ready, we called the kids upstairs and had a fabulous dinner (thanks to all my siblings and my mom who all helped me cook in my tiny little kitchen and I didn't even get freaked out or clausterphobic). Oh, and I read the President's Thanksgiving Proclamation for this year. It was AWESOME!!!