Pursuing Life (Languages)
The very first time that I heard about the Life Languages(tm), I felt like I had found my new career. I was working at WVCC and Kenny brought in Carolyn Weis to give us our profiles and teach us about the 7 languages. After she was all done, I went up to her and said, "I want your job." That made her think that I was really a high mover. Although I'm not really a mover, I was moved. I love the uniqueness that God gives each of us and, yet, He gives us a way to identify and communicate with one another.
For those who don't know what the Life Languages(tm) are, they are the communication styles that each of us speak. There are 7 languages: Responder and Influencer (the emotive languages), Mover and Doer (the kinetic languages), and Shaper, Producer, and Contemplator (the cognitive languages). After taking the profile test, you receive a score for each language. The higher the score, the more fluent you are in that language (i.e., the more you think, act, work, etc. in that language). For example, if you are a high Doer, you will like to make "ToDo" lists and check things off that list. You will be very organized, efficient, and dedicated. You will have an eye for details. And you will be very task-oriented. You will not be able to rest until you have finished everything on your list.
Each of the languages has it's own set of characteristics. And ALL of the languages are good. In fact, the languages corresponde with the motivational gifts in Romans 12:3-8 Responder - Compassion, Influencer - Encouragement, Mover - Prophecy, Doer - Serving, Shaper - Leadership, Producer - Giving, Contemplator - Teaching. No language is better than any other. Each language has lots of strengths, as well as potential weaknesses.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in learning more, please contact me. The cost of the test is $45.
Also, I am putting together a proposal for taking the languages into the schools. There is a direct correlation between the language(s) that you speak and the profession(s) that you would excel at. I wish that someone would have given me my profile when I was in high school or college. Then I would have known that, being a low Doer, I wouldn't be very happy being an accountant (my degree). I pursued the degree for all the wrong reasons, but I had no idea how unhappy I would be trying to do something that doesn't fit my profile at all!!!!
For my proposal, I am looking for testimonies of anyone who has taken the profile test. Please just give me a sentence or two about any changes it made in your life, insights you gained about yourself (or others), etc.
You can post comments and/or questions on this site or email me at kszilagyi@hotmail.com.
Hope lots of people want to take the Life Language Tests - they are sooo helpful!
Hope you had a good weekend, I spent a lot of time being sick :(
Talk to ya soon :0)
10:05 PM
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