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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Strategic Repositioning

I told Christopher that I was going on a women's retreat this weekend. He asked me where the retreat was. I said, "Independence." He said that is more of a strategic withdrawal than a full retreat. That made me laugh. In fact I kept thinking about it all evening. Except that I had changed the word withdrawal to repositioning in my mind. And it was the exact pefect definition of what I did this weekend. I strategically repositioned myself to hear from God :)

The speaker's name is Kathie Walters and she regualarly walks in the supernatural. She said that we will receive what we believe. We do not have to "qualify" to receive visions or angelic visitations or miracles. We just have to believe that everything that is in the Scriptures is for us. The Word says that if we believe, WHEN WE PRAY, then we will receive -- we don't receive and then believe. She also told us to STOP PRAYING for things that God has already promised you (in Scripture) or said yes to. When you keep praying for it, you are starting over at square one and you have lost your answer. For example, the Scripture says that if we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways, He will hear from Heaven and forgive our sins and heal our land. So, once we have done our part, our "prayer" should be something like: "OK, Lord, You said that You would heal our land. It needs healing, so we are expecting You to move. In fact, Your honor is at stake here because You promised." Then stop praying. Quit asking for things He's already given you. Start acting like they are already yours (because they are) even if you haven't seen the manifestation, yet.

So, I have several things that I am not going to pray for any more because God has already said "yes." I just need to start acting on the yes. He has told me that I can be a marriage counselor and a public speaker for Life Languages. I don't have to keep asking Him if/when I can do that!!! What a relief! I "danced through changed"* at the retreat and I am truly going to change my approach to what I am supposed to be doing with my life. I know I don't belong in dentristry (although I am so grateful for my job). I'm going to be pursuing the true call of God on my life (no accounting and no dentistry!!!).

The doubt has been lifted off my faith!!!

*At the retreat, Kathie had all of us empty our change on the floor at the front of the room. Then we started a dance line and "danced through change" as a outward sign of our new mindsets. It was so much fun! We danced and laughed for an hour :)


Blogger Kimber said...


I love the idea 'stategic repositioning' - (you always have a way with words!)

I think God is doing a lot of 'stategic repositinging lately with many of his children!

I am so glad that your faith has been stirred - I know God has prepared a 'place' for you in His Kingdom - you were born for great things!!

I know that He will use in great ways to bring freedom to many through counseling and Life Languages - I am very proud you just as you are - your passion always provokes me.

And yet, I say 'bring it on Lord - You will fulfill your plans and purposes in this dear one, your Kathy'

9:16 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Thanks! You're pretty great, yourself!!!

5:44 PM


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